Effective insight only comes through knowledge of your customers and the environment in which they teach. We offer a range of services that can support insight into the marketplace irrespective of your budget. From gathering and presenting publically accessible data to multi-year field research intelligently designed for your business.

We have over 20 years ’ experience of tailoring bespoke education market surveys for clients. That knowledge helps ensure questions are framed in the right way to secure the information you require. It’s more an art than a science. Knowing your research outcomes lets us build a survey that is most likely to generate results that truly reflect the marketplace and your audience.

Cost-effective collaborative research for clients. Sometimes, it just makes sense to group together with others in your sector to conduct joint research. It may be to find out more about the use of technology or knowledge of safety standards. Either way, we have experience in building omnibus projects that meet all participants’ needs and at a significantly lower cost than going alone.

Desk research
Often there is quite a bit of information in the public arena that can help support your information requirements. As a pre-requisite to any bespoke research, we’ll make sure you have access to the latest market data.

Competitor Analysis
Understanding your market often involves understanding a little bit more about other providers that offer similar products and services in the education space. We can help you build that insight, which may also include researching teachers to find out opinions of competitors.

Client Customer Records
Sometimes, you can be holding significant market data in your own records. Having worked with data for over 25 years there is an opportunity to use our tools to ensure you are able to mine your data for useful information. Analytics software and statistics tools, along with our knowledge of the education market, can help to build better insight into your own business.