How do we find the information and insight you require? Having the technical components to conduct research is just the start. Research has to be insightful and representative of the education market as a whole. While we have the skills, we know that it is our 20 years’ experience in the marketplace that helps build a successful campaign. Using this success, we have built a number of unique solutions.

Our Net Promoter Scoring (NPS) solution is an invaluable tool in understanding your performance in a competitive landscape. The process allows you to compare the loyalty teachers have towards your brand, products or services, with that of your competitors. To identify why teachers may be a promoter of your brand, or a detractor, we’ll run a range of satisfaction metrics that best match your USP (such as product quality, outcomes and pupil engagement).

One of the key areas we are asked to investigate is the relative value teachers place on various features and attributes of a product or service. We can use a number of sophisticated techniques, used by the world’s biggest brands, and adapt it for use in the education marketplace. The results are robust and can support not only product development, but also how to best market the resulting resources to different segments of the market.

This is where it gets complex. There is no easy way to get real actionable insight on price optimisation without using proven tools and techniques. Our questionnaire and statistics platform has the power to build industry-strength investigations that you can trust. Quality information allows you to ensure your pricing is optimal for the different sectors of the market so that you can maximise ROI.

We’ve talked about all the complex research techniques and methodologies we can use to ensure truly market representative insight, but sometimes a quick poll is all you need. Add one to your website, e-newsletter or social media site.

Gain access to teacher panel management software used by our own communities. Leverage the platform to create and manage a teacher community made up of your customers. We can create a community completely controlled by you and customised for you, but managed by us on your behalf. An active community of your customers that are ready to participate in research.